Astorga, Spain
Hotel Spa Ciudad de Astorga by PortBlue Boutique
Equipment and services
The excellence of small details
Without a doubt, one of the things that makes Hotel Spa Ciudad de Astorga by PortBlue Boutique**** so special is the service we offer to our guests. Perfectly prepared facilities and a wide range of services for you to enjoy a perfect break.
Moreover, the Hotel Spa Ciudad de Astorga by PortBlue Boutique**** has an indoor parking with direct access to the hotel to make your stay even easier.
Discover everything that Hotel Spa Ciudad de Astorga by PortBlue Boutique**** can do for you.
Generic equipment and services
- Complimentary WiFi
- Adapted rooms
- Ocean Spa & Wellness
- 24 hour reception
- Luggage storage
- Tourist information
- Pilgrim Services
- Cycling Center
Outstanding equipment and services